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Goals for my second year:

After changing my major to mathematics, I am quite enjoying the classes and I feel confident in my decision to change my major. I am starting independent research with the Soltis lab and I am very excited for that. 

This year I hope to secure a math-related internship to gain more experience and continue learning. I also want to learn more about programming, including: Java, C, and Matlab, so I plan on taking some courses to learn more.

This year my goal is to maintain my high GPA, gain research experience, and take advantages of all the virtual workshops, events, and internships due to Coronavirus.

Reflection on first semester:

My first semester of college went very well. I was able to connect with organisations on campus and take classes that I enjoyed. Since I came in with over 60 credits, I did not need to take tons of Gen Ed courses; instead, I could focus on my critical tracking classes for my major (political science). However, since I was focused on my political science courses, I did not take any math classes and I realized that I missed taking math classes. So, this semester I'm taking Calculus 2 and considering adding on a math major.

In terms of organisations on campus, I joined Honors Ensemble, Florida Political Review, and Gator Christian Life. Honors Ensemble is a group of musicians in the Honors Program and Florida Political Review is a political journalism organisation. This semester I am considering joining Model UN as a way of meeting new people and gaining experience with international law.

Overall, this semester went very well and I learned a lot about myself and being independent. I also learned the importance of self-care and finding a support system. I enjoy all of the organisations that I enjoyed and the classes that I took, and I look forward to next semester.

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